VISA Documentation Service for Students to Study Abroad | Study VISA
Arsa study consultants are offering services for Guideline for Visa Documentation for students who want study visa to study abroad.
Our counselors use personal interviews, counseling sessions, interest and aptitude assessment tests to evaluate and advise students and utilize this data to create a multi-year strategic plan which includes calendars for testing, recommendations for coursework, activities, summer experiences and community service.
Our counselors identify any “Red Flags” (problems, omissions, inconsistencies, unanswered questions, etc.).
Arsa Study Consultants helps students to choose right program and course to study in right country. Initially our consultancy tries to understand student’s perspective in which country they are willing to study and what is his/her background. Understanding their background we suggest them with proper guidance according to their Qualification Budget, interests, prior education, strengths and weaknesses, global economic and market trends and growth opportunity for the student.